Moving Through Old Daylight

Mon. May 17, 2010
Categories: Abstract Dynamics


    He edited together a film containing all these images and more, and played it constantly. He found it profoundly moving, the images gaining even more emotive power with each viewing. All these characters of his past moving in old daylight, waving and smiling and moving on.
    – John Foxx, “The Quiet Man”

As part of John Foxx’s Analogue event on June 5, I will be chairing a panel including Iain Sinclair, Jim Jupp and Julian House, to discuss the haunted spaces of the city, the relationship between technology and memory, and other intersections between the preoccupations of Sinclair/Foxx/Ghost Box. Central to all of this is the film project on which Sinclair and Foxx are collaborating, which will involve Sinclair’s Super8 films of London in the 60s.
Anyone who was at Foxx’s exhilarating ICA show a couple of years ago will know that the Analogue event will be well worth going to. As Foxx explains in this BBC interview modern speaker technology means that synthesizers have a newly visceral impact – the ICA show had an unexpectedly physical quality to it. I’ve heard some of the tracks that Foxx is working on with Benge and they sound extremely good – perhaps the best thing he has done since Metamatic.

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