Tue. July 20, 2004
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Marcello, now, sadly, it seems making good on his threat to abandon the k-punk comments boxes (those who’ve driven him out might do well to reflect on what positive contribution they’e made to discussion here; one of MC’s detractors has, as far as I’m aware, only posted comments abusing Marcello), with a response to the now-pulsating Guilty Pleasures debate.
The best and the worst of Marcello here; why the child pornography slight, for instance? And funny that he upbraids Charlie Gillett for being ‘schoolmasterly’ – ‘sit up straight at the back of the bus’, indeed!
Marcello seems to know the track listing for the Guilty Pleasures album; a cursory search through Amazon, and couldn’t find it.
I agree about much of what Marcello says about BBC Radio London. Robert Elms’ show is surprisingly good, and Danny Baker remains one of the most effervescent, flint-sharp witty broadcasters we have (but Marcello is right: hearing his delirial derives interrupted by inane news and traffic reports is keeningly frustrating).

17 Responses to “MC ON GUILTY PLEASURES”

  1. paul "Determinedly Middlebrow" meme Says:

    I’m just flabbergasted that people have tht much time on their hands they choose to make Marcello a hat figure. Why would they want to mire themselves so publicly in self-abnegation? It’s such a seedy lack of nerve. Why not pick on someone who’s, y’know, powerful and evil?
    What’s amazing about Radio London is its consistency, despite changing schedules, in delivering what we want. Robert Elms was a shining light, a jaw-dropping discovery, that helped make my last couple of years in London bearable.

  2. Henry Miller Says:

    K-P, unless you know MC personally I don’t see why you feel the need to ram him down yr readers’ throats so often. I think he’s hit and miss, personally, but he was miss as fuck on your comments pages and deserved to meet with reaction — too bad if he can’t take criticism. As you well know, he’s always claiming to be off for good only to return, so don’t sweat it.

  3. mark Says:

    I love his writing, that’s all. I’ve got as many problems with his ILM-bred debating tactics as anyone else.
    I’m not shoving him down anyone’s throat. If I read something I like or find interesting, I tend to reccomend it that’s all. If you don’t like it, you can always ignore those posts.

  4. Henry Miller Says:

    Well, it’s obv fair dos if you’re not into your own blog turning into ILM, but unless you share MC’s views (I’m particularly riled by eg his anti-Girls Aloud line) you regard his decision to quit boards, comment boxes, blogs, etc, somewhat equivocally.

  5. mark Says:

    fair point. Actually, part of the reason there are so many Marcello posts here is that firstly he didn’t have a comments box, then he did, but I couldn’t use it, now he doesn’t again…

  6. Andreas Beyer Says:

    (those who’ve driven him out might do well to reflect on what positive contribution they’e made to discussion here; one of MC’s detractors has, as far as I’m aware, only posted comments abusing Marcello)
    We’re both (disillusioned) semi-regulars here. You’ve never had any problem with our contributions. You’ve positively welcomed them, in fact.

  7. mark Says:

    I’m sorry for maligning you then, Andreas. But I don’t recall you posting anything before under that name.

  8. Andreas Beyer Says:

    That’s because it’s a pseudonym.

  9. mark Says:

    Yes, well that’s the problem with using pseudonyms, isn’t it?

  10. Andreas Beyer Says:

    Perhaps you have a point.

  11. mark Says:

    Jeez, can we forget all this and get back to discussing issues? It’s much more interesting and much less tiring.

  12. paul "Relentlessly Middlebrow" meme Says:

    Yeah – let’s talk about Radio London!
    Hmmm. “Hat figure.” 🙂

  13. mark Says:

    Hat figure made me chuckle too — which is just what we need on this thread at the moment.

  14. stelfox Says:

    b-b-b-but…. marcello is now defending danny kelly…. i’ll wager that, just as bob stanley never mey any of kelly’s schoolmates, marcello has never met kelly…. having done so, defending him becomes quite impossible.

  15. mark Says:

    just thinking this morning actually, when Danny Baker mentioned Danny Kelly (their being great mates and all), how eminently punchable Mr Kelly is. He’s got one of the most unpleasant voices in broadcasting.

  16. stelfox Says:

    i spent a month in a very small office with him – at least you can turn a radio off

  17. stelfox Says:

    he’s a very big chap, though…