Mon. July 19, 2004
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Simon don’t lie (does he ever?) Dripdropdrap is excellent.
(But that font size… It’s preternaturally small. I have to whack it up to 200% to make it visible.)
Also: Beyond the Implode. I particularly enjoyed this post on Shaw Taylor’s unlikely contribution to Industrial (he also featured in the shlocky but magnificent Richard Burton chiller The Medusa Touch I think) and this one on Coil’s Love Secret Domain, which uses the tracks like rhorsach (sp?) blots, triggering skeins of autobiographical associations. (I’m particularly grateful for this post, as I luxuriate in the Coil CDR’s the lovely Jon Dale was kind enough to send me).

6 Responses to “CHECK THESE”

  1. luke.. Says:

    did you see coil are playing very very soon? you should go.

  2. mark Says:

    Yeh, John Eden sent me the details… Anyone else going?

  3. paul "Essex boy" meme Says:

    Sadly it looks like I’m gonna be babied up at that point, which is a shame cos I’ve never seen ’em live. They’re actually meant to be quite good. Which LPs did Dale send you Mark?

  4. Rob Says:

    u are right on the money with those two newbies, Mark…already blogrolled dripdrop…gonna blogroll Beyond ASAP :)…i LOVE music-writing that is as passionate as their stuff is…the best of what blogging is all about 🙂

  5. mark Says:

    Angelic Conversations, selections from the Equinox eps, LSD, elph + miscellaneous.

  6. paul "Relentlessly Middlebrow" meme Says:

    Good shit. Now check Scatology. Tunes!