Mon. July 26, 2004
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Really lovely piece by Kek-w @ Kid Shirt on The Streets’ garage-for-students. ‘… despite its apparent authenticity, its over-pushy, pumped-up realism, it still somehow fails to convince…it’s like there’s something essential missing from its centre; there’s a hole; a gap; a spectral frequency…a feeling that’s gone awol from its core, like an old LP digitally-remastered so that it now sounds wrong.’ YES! Wholeheartedly agree with all of kek-w’s piece, apart from his dissing of the Jam (one of the most unfairly maligned groups in blogdom IMHO) and his praise of Sham 69 obv (I admire Kek-w bucking the trend, but…..)


  1. Tom Says:

    The working-class realism thing is SUCH a straw man I think (serves Skinner right for his choice of ‘band name’) – there’s very little that happens in A Grand Don’t Come For Free that wouldn’t happen to a student too. The Streets’ appeal is comedy-of-recognition, not cultural tourism.

  2. paul "Relentlessly Middlebrow" meme Says:

    I like the Streets (is there ANYTHING slagged off in K-Punk I don’t like?). Dry your eyes — TUUUUNE!
    All this stuff about “authenticity” and “being for students” is just over-cerebral tosh. You don’t like the tunes? Fair enough. But stooping to criticise something on whether it’s culturally “realistic” or not is just naieve.

  3. Henry Miller Says:

    Not very many Streets-advocates say that Mike’s real or working-class — that’s just the assumption of the hataz. I’m not too keen on ‘Dry Your Eyes’, that said.

  4. mark Says:

    Well, everyone likes the Streets, apart from Kek-w and Luke (tho even he seems to be wavering). I took it that Kek’s point was more about emotional authenticity than class authenticitiy, really…

  5. Derek Walmsley Says:

    The fascinating thing about The Streets is not so much the fact that there’s a lack of presence, a lack of a real authentic narrator or whatever. It’s the fact that, at this particular time, British pop can accomodate and thrive on such a music. The Streets are passive reportage, absorbing and relating pointless minutae of tedious life; for several reasons (musical fragmentation, pomo irony, the desire for anti-iconography), this stream of consciousness fills a number of nihilistic needs.
    I did quite like Fit But You Know It, though.

  6. Tom Says:

    Are you calling Mike Skinner some kind of blogger, Derek?

  7. Derek Walmsley Says:

    Well, as we all know, there’s many similarities between “busting rhymes” and “busting blogs”.

  8. luke.. Says:

    don’t like the music or the voice. the lyrics i’ve heard off the neww album i really like. the lyrics on the first album were pretty cringey though.

  9. undercurrent Says:

    they play it on Radio 2 now. Crossover, or what?