The mysterious concept «хонтология»

Mon. April 2, 2007
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

k-punk gets a mention on this round-up of Brit blogs in the Russian magazine Big City.
Running the piece through this online translator yields the amusing results that automatic translation programmes usually produce. Most notable is the description of Ian Penman (Иэна Пенмана) as ‘an outstanding musical journalist with scandalous customs’. Of the Pillbox, the translation continues:
‘All this is written very impulsively — it is visible, that the person takes things to heart. Here last incident: Пенман has furiously thrown on colleague Sajmona Rejnoldsa (other most outstanding English musical critic, whose marginal notes ( too should find time), finding out values of mysterious concept «хонтология». Soon after this enchantling skirmish Пенман has suddenly broken off and does not write one and a half month.’
Also check the description of Beyond the Implode’s Martin, who writes ‘with such furious humour that profanation turns out enough вдохновенная…’

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