Piety and cynicism

Sat. April 2, 2005
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Can I remind the BBC that the UK is a Protestant country?
Is it me or has this pathosathon, occasioned by the demise of an evil old bigot and protector of child abusers (4000 priests indicted in America alone and counting), out-indulge even the Diana delirium? (I can’t even imagine scenes this maudlin in Liverpool, world capital of self-pity, the last time someone connected with that city died…) The current parade of faux-piety is so disgustingly excessive that I’m shouting at the screen, please, please, this HAS to be a Chris Morris parody…. The Sky News coverage has been gloriously reminiscent of that live-link up to the Michael Heseltine pacemaker thing… All other news reduced to a 20-second blitz every hour, as the alcohol-pickled hacks, brandishing their well-practised po-faces (solemnity factor 100), wait, slavering, for the announcement of The Death…
This is NOT the news…. The man has been a brain dead vegetable for the last two decades, and he has been the propagator of idiot organo-vitalist brain dead ideas all his life… There is NOTHING to see here…. How many people died in Africa today, unmourned by ‘the world’, as a direct consequence of the RCC’s bio-nazism? Make more organisms like yourself… as many as possible… and if you use your body for any other purpose, it’s a SIN…
How can anyone with any intellectual integrity defend this pagan cult of personality when its infantilising mystico-goo – suspend all rational thought all ye who enter through the gilded gates of the Vatican – is lathered all over videodrome so copiously just now?
Naked political propaganda … ‘John Paul inspired a revolution’… Yes, everyone in pre-Glasnost Poland was a hard-done-to Catholic (Catholicism NEVER being implicated in any geo-political atrocity, no, it never burned witches, there never was an inquisition, there was no collaboration with Nazis…) waiting to be ‘liberated’ by a resurgent fertility cult. NO-ONE in Poland wanted Communism, ever… They’ve been celebrating every day since 1989, honest, every one of them….
But, but, didn’t John Paul ‘criticise capitalism’ too? Yes, well, it’s the sort of criticism captalism can live with and indeed happily solicits… make it all a question of individual morality, not structures… if only people were less greedy… And of course, that criticism will really bite when it issues from someone sitting amidst the most preposterous display of wealth on the planet, most of it expropriated from the poor and the helpless, whose reproduction as sweatshop fodder the RCC so generously encourages…
Why are we endlessly told that we ‘fought a war against’ Nazism – ‘we’ didn’t of course, Britain fought a territorial war against Germany – but it is conveniently forgotten that England struggled against centralized Catholic power for centuries?
And no, no, this is not a rant… simply a statement of facts at a time in which you might be blinded by the crocodile tears and sim-sentimentality of media-moronism at its most pathological….

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