Mon. March 5, 2007
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Jon Wozencroft on Sunn0))) (highly relevant to Carl’s remarks on the New Solemnity – about which I hope to say something in a day or two – and the affinities between metal and Dead Can Dance, NWW, Nocturnal Emissions, Current 93):

    It’s odd to see all your Sunn musing online, we (i.e. Touch) have had quite a connection with them over the past 2 or 3 years because of Oren Ambarchi’s collaborations with them, and previously we released an Earth LP on the OR imprint that Russell Haswell does with us. There’s one musician who’s done some very prescient work vis-a-vis their sound, David Jackman who records as ‘Organum’, loads of obscure records on labels like Die Stadt, and collaborations with Current 93/Nurse With Wound… One record, “A Missing Sense” is really great, don’t know whether it’s been issued on CD or not.

And Joe from A Mess of Help begs to differ with Sebastian about Earth: ‘Pentasonic is not an Earth album, while Pentastar: In The Style Of Demons is, and far from being “rote stoner-rock” it’s actually one of Earth’s weirdest albums…’

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