Mon. August 9, 2004
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Another new one, well new to me any way, (courtesy Glueboot), one for theory connoisseurs (theory haytaz beware): Spurious. The Deleuze posts in particular are highly relevant to the discussion on capitalism going on hereabouts. (Although I have to worry about his enthusiasm for Philip Goodchild’s sinister christian communitarianism.)
(btw I wish I’d categorized all my posts like he has; makes the site an interweaving, evolving hypertext, less chronolinear…)

7 Responses to “SPURIOUS”

  1. Sphaleotas Says:

    Goodchild subsequently renounced the work that earned him Deleuze’s fuck off letter, I understand.

  2. jed Says:

    Excellent – thanks for the link to Spurious. Something to immerse myself in later today. i’m particularly ticked by this:

  3. mark Says:

    yeh, that’s what interesting tho isn’t it if you categorise posts like that, you get these fascinating Borgesian lists!
    ah, but I trust his subsequent work is not at the cutting edge of deterritorialization….

  4. Rob Says:

    im so glad somebody else finally noticed Spurious…ive been digging his stuff for about 6 months now…it’s all top-notch writing 🙂

  5. Sphaleotas Says:

    In 2001, Phil’s departmental homepage stated that he intended to “formulat[e] a specifically religious mode of reasoning” contra Deleuze.
    He was reported as “writing his own philosophy of religion which contains many elements which are discernibly influenced by Deleuze but there is a point at which he would like to say that the deterritorializing aspects go too far.”
    Deterritorialization, you are accused of going too far

  6. infinite thought Says:

    Yer, funny that, being ‘scared’ of Deleuze’s radicalism or whathaveyou, given that he’s so serious about being careful (esp. in 1000 Plateaus)…all that getting drunk on a glass of water instead of the hard stuff, not destratifying too quickly etc. etc.
    I was amazed when first I read TP just how harsh it was about, erm, not losing the plot/thread, (for want of a better way of putting it).
    I mean, obviously it’s a kinda logical extension of the Spinozist ‘organising your encounters’ kind of thing, but it could be read as being rather purist.

  7. mark Says:

    Actually think this is one of the most important aspects of ATP Nina…
    Think you’re right about Spinozism… I mean, it literally is about plateaus — i.e. not low level zombiedom or Romantic burn out —