Tue. August 10, 2004
Categories: Abstract Dynamics

Can someone who knows about such things click on my blogger archives link and explain what the fuck’s going on? Hope I haven’t lost the lot!

16 Responses to “HELP! EMERGENCY!”

  1. M Says:

    That doesn’t look too good.. But it’s not a very Blogger/Googly thing to do to just forward a (possibly) obsolete domain to some random cheesy advertising site…
    Have you tried logging into your Blogger account?

  2. mark Says:

    embarrasingly I’ve forgotten all the details of how to get in ….

  3. Diego Says:

    I’m checking if your blog is still in the Google cache… and it is. Whatever happens to the blogspot adress, you can take an hour of your life to save all the texts to your hard disk. Search for your own blog in Google, click in the cached link, and then tweak the link adress to get to any archive; your main archive html is still accesible so you can check them one by one: is still working…
    With some more effort, you can even import those entries to Movable Type.
    (Sorry if I’m confusing you, I’m very bad at giving instructions in english) (Good luck)

  4. Diego Says:

    Oh, damn… sorry Mark but what I proposed is not working… it seems that some files are affected and others not… so the cache of the affected ones is also re-directing to that ugly page… Better try harder to remember your Blogger account details -like if you needed me to tell you that…-

  5. M Says:

    Just click on “forgot” on the Blogger login panel and it’ll let you enter either your username or email address and send you a reminder.

  6. nate Says:

    hey mark,
    your archive is still up.
    if you go to the google cache
    and click on the archives sidebar, it’s all still there…
    sorry about log-in problems, tho.

  7. Rob Says:

    im reading through your archives right now…looks ok to me…shrugz

  8. M Says:

    He’s talking about the “blogger k-punk” link.

  9. Sphaleotas Says:

    I’ve everything apart from August 9-17, which fell into 404 limbo some months ago.

  10. heinz siegler Says:

    are you a stalker, sphaleotas?

  11. Sphaleotas Says:

    No, just a grey eminence.

  12. mark Says:

    Thanks so much everyone! Sphaleotas has come through and provided me with the back up — lesson: must save entries properly…

  13. mark Says:

    just wondered:
    what would importing to MT entail?
    (And your answer must NOT contain any ludicrous and groundless assaults on your abilities in English!!! 🙂

  14. Diego Says:

    What does “entail” mean, señor?

  15. mark Says:

    LOL — come on your English is better than most English speakers’….

  16. gustavo Says:

    ei me ensina como ser punk